Earth Science Week and Laudato Si

During Earth Science Week the American Geosciences Institute holds a contest which students can enter photographs pertaining to a theme.  This years theme was about human activity on the earth.  I took this prompt as how humans help the environment rather than hurt the earth.  Also last week at school we discussed Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si which is about how humans need to protect the environment and that a poor environment badly impacts the poor.  By corresponding our discussion of Laudato Si and Environmental Science Week helps our understanding of helping the environment is both a scientific and social issue.


This is my submitted photograph for the Environmental Science Week contest.  I chose this photo to embody human interaction on Earth since the photograph was taken at Yosemite National Park in California.  Human interaction with the environment is clearly seen by the people on the trail in the bottom right corner, but it is the mountains that are the epitome of our interaction with the earth.  Since Yosemite is a national park, it is paid by the government to be protected which is absolutely incredible.  People all over the world can then come to this national park to observe the beauty of nature and that is what I believe to be human interaction with the environment, enjoy and preserve nature.

Here is a short video describing Pope Francis’ Laudato Si.