Radium Girls Reflection

I went to see a tri-school production of “Radium Girls”.  “Radium Girls” is set in the 1920’s just when Marie Curie discovered radium.  Radium is a chemical element that is both toxic and glows.  To help with the war efforts women were in factories painting watch dials for soldiers to see the time in the dark.  And for the women to get pointed brushes for precise painting, they put the paintbrushes in their mouths.  Over the years women from the factories have died with jaw complications and cells dying in the hand.  The remaining women from the radium plant fought against the radium corporation to get compensation for their medical bills and care.

The production of “Radium Girls” taught me that women fought for their justice so the radium issue was not just a science discovery but also a start for women to challenge society.  The radium girls from the plant challenged socially higher people and ultimately won against the big corporations.  Overall I believe that “Radium Girls” is a great production for showing young women to stand up for what they believe in and also a great insight to what’s to come in AP Biology!
