“Never Give Up” Ted Talk

Here’s Diana Nyad’s Ted Talk about her journey being a 64 year old achieving her goal of swimming from Cuba to Florida, a 100-mile journey.

As of late I have been trying to go zero/low waste, meaning I create little to no trash and recycle less. I have been researching about how to achieve a zero waste lifestyle and the process seems challenging to me but saving the environment is important to me and makes me want to work extra hard to achieve my goal of zero waste. I have doubted a lot of times if I can achieve a zero waste lifestyle because the beginning transition is the hardest part (like being able to not use plastic packaged products, using reusable bags, and overall not use single-use items like straws or plastic utensils). By seeing other people living a zero waste life, I feel that I have to be perfect. However many videos and blogs that I have come across has made me realize that people do make mistakes and that the people a part of the zero waste community are here to help. The most important thing that Diana introduced in her talk was in order to not give up, you need to have supportive people in your life to help you through the hard times in you journey. Also the overarching message of Diana’s Ted Talk, never give up, may be cheesy but is very inspirational.


Some zero waste resources:

Infamous Lauren Singer’s (4 years of trash in a mason jar girl) blog Trash is for Tossers.

A San Francisco based editor, Anne Marie, focusing on zero waste home management in her blog The Zero Waste Chef

My favorite zero waste YouTubers: Taylor NicoleAlli CherryGoing Zero Waste, Lizzie Bombini, and Sustainably Vegan.

Other videos: why takeout is so badbeginning zero waste, and grocery shopping zero waste.