AP Biology Exam Reflection


Over the 2017-2018 school year, I have been a part of the AP Biology class. This class was special because I was in the class every day rather than normal block schedule. Because I had the class every day I felt that our class got an advantage to the AP test in comparison to other AP courses at the school. We ultimately got the most time to prepare for the AP Biology exam on May 14.

With that being said, after taking the AP Bio exam I am feeling confident that I passed. The multiple choice part of the exam was very much like our tests in class so I felt good with that part. However, for the short answer questions, I felt that I was rushing to get everything I wanted to say down on the page. Also for one of the questions, there was only half a page designated for the answer which I struggled trying to condense my thoughts to fit on the lines. Overall, I felt prepared for the exam through all of our preparation in class with practicing tips and tricks and the material. If you have a chance to take AP Biology, I highly recommend taking the class, biology is super interesting!
